

Rohkem infot

Rohkem infot

Regarded as nature's most potent medicine, grounding each night significantly enhances sleep quality, reduces inflammation, and boosts overall well-being, no matter the age.

Nii toimivad maandamislehed:

  • Valmistatud juhtivast hõbedast (AG) ja pehmest puuvillast.
  • Ühendatakse maanduskaabliga maandusega.
  • Passiivne tervise suurendamine 7+ tunni jooksul.

Ühinege nende lugematute teistega, kes on muutnud oma puhkuse taastavaks põgenemiseks.

Mis on maanduslehed?

Ühendades ühenduse endless flow of beneficial electrons from the Earth's surface, maanduslehed paljastavad maandamise sügavat tervendavat jõudu ja kasu.

See oluline ühendus supports your body's natural healing and regenerative processes, promoting optimal health and wellness, especially during sleep.

Human body voltage comparison

Miks magada maandatud?

Saage looduse poolt looduslikult pakutavat hämmastavat kasu. Pikaajaline maandumine on eriti kasulik une ajal, kui teie keha läbib kõige kriitilisemad paranemis- ja taastumisprotsessid, jättes teile energia ja noorendustunde rohkem kui kunagi varem.

Benefits of sleeping grounded

Vabad elektronid Maast aitavad taastada keha tasakaalu, stabiliseerida selle bioelektrilist süsteemi ja võidelda vabade radikaalide vastu.. Elektronide voog töötab nagu põletikuvastased, valuvaigistavad, vananemisvastased antioksüdandid - kogu öö kestev põletik.

Thermographic study of knees after grounding

Tunne, kuidas su stress ära sulab as the healing electrons from your Earthing Therapy Sheet work to re-establish your body's natural electrical stability and mitigate damage caused by harmful man-made EMFs.

Maandamise kohta avaldatud uuringud näitavad laia valikut soodsaid tervisega seotud tulemusi, sealhulgas:

  • Parem uni
  • Kõrvaldab või vähendab oluliselt põletikku
  • Kõrvaldab või vähendab oluliselt valu
  • Paranenud verevarustus
  • Normaliseeriv mõju stressihormoonile kortisoolile
  • Rahustav mõju närvisüsteemile
  • Vähendab vere viskoossust
  • Parandab glükoosi (veresuhkru) reguleerimist.
  • Ennetab kaltsiumi ja luutiheduse vähenemist, vähendab osteoporoosi näitajaid.
  • Suurendab ainevahetuse kiirust
  • Mõjutab kilpnäärme funktsiooni
  • Vähendab lihaskahjustusi, kiirendab taastumist pingelisest treeningust
  • Kiirendab haavade paranemist
  • Parandab immuunsüsteemi reaktsiooni traumadele ja vigastustele.
  • Normaliseerib lihaspinge
  • Vähendab sagedast öist urineerimist
  • Vähendab PMS sümptomeid ja kuumahooge
  • Vananemisvastane mõju

Kuidas see toimib?

Kuidas see toimib?

Introducing the Grounding Sheet, your personal gateway to nature's electrical balance, all from the comfort of your home!
Simply connect the Grounding Sheet to the grounding port of any power outlet, just as you would a phone charger. Concerned about safety? The grounding outlet is electricity-free; it features a special conductive wire that leads directly into the earth.Place your skin on the sheet's conductive surface and experience the magic. Your body instantly links to the earth, replicating the electrical connection of walking barefoot outdoors. This connection helps eliminate the "dirty electricity" accumulated from electronic devices like phones and computers.Our bodies are electrically charged systems. Achieving electrical balance through grounding is akin to pressing a reset button for our health, offering a natural solution to various issues such as anxiety, insomnia, muscle soreness, and even jet lag.Ready to unlock the benefits of grounding? Try it out and discover the transformative effects for yourself!


Introducing the Grounding Rod, an essential component for maximizing the benefits of your Grounding Product. The Grounding Rod is designed to be inserted directly into the earth, providing a reliable connection for grounding.

Made of durable stainless steel, the Maandusvarda measures 12 inches (30cm) in length, ensuring robust and long-lasting performance. The accompanying extension cord, measuring 40 feet (12 meters), allows for flexible placement of your Grounding Product.

Setting up your Maandusvarda & Lead is simple:

  1. Begin by inserting the Grounding Rod into the soil to a depth of 8 to 10 inches, ensuring a secure connection with the earth.
  2. Extend the cord from the Grounding Rod, routing it around or beneath a window or door to reach your desired location for using your Grounding Product.
  3. Safeguard the cord by covering it to prevent tripping hazards and ensure safety.
  4. Connect the prong end of the straight cord to the receptacle of the Maandusvarda cord, establishing a secure electrical connection.

In arid regions such as deserts, it is recommended to occasionally moisten the soil around the Grounding Rod to enhance conductivity and optimize grounding effectiveness.

Enhance your grounding experience with the Grounding Rod, compatible with all Grounding products and offering an alternative to connecting through your power outlets.
