Uzemnenie, známe aj ako Earthing, je jednoduché pripojenie vášho tela priamo k prirodzenému elektrickému energetickému poľu, ktoré existuje na povrchu Zeme.
Môžete to urobiť tak, že budete chodiť vonku naboso alebo budete používať "náhrady bosých nôh", ako sú tie, o ktorých vás učíme na našej stránke. Tieto originálne produkty GroundingSheets fungujú tak, že využívajú uzemňovací port domácich zásuviek alebo jednoduchú súpravu uzemňovacej tyče, ktorá vás spojí so zemskou energiou. Výrobky GroundingSheets majú vodivé materiály, ktoré im umožňujú prenášať energiu Zeme do vášho tela, keď s nimi máte kontakt na pokožke.
Uzemnenie aj uzemnenie zahŕňajú opätovné spojenie s jemnou prirodzenou energiou Zeme a tieto pojmy sa často používajú zameniteľne.
Niektorí ľudia však medzi nimi robia rozdiel. Používajú pojem "uzemnenie" na označenie priameho spojenia tela so zemským povrchom priamym kontaktom s pokožkou, ako je chôdza naboso po zemi. Na druhej strane, "uzemnenie" sa často používa v súvislosti s pripojením elektrických zariadení k Zemi, aby sa predišlo elektrickým šokom a nebezpečenstvu, čo je úplne iné použitie. Hoci toto rozlišovanie môže byť dôležité pre elektrikárov alebo inžinierov, pre väčšinu ľudí sa tieto pojmy môžu používať zameniteľne, keď sa hovorí o pripojení k zemskému povrchu s cieľom získať výhody pre zdravie a wellness.
Opätovné spojenie s energiou Zeme je také jednoduché, ako chodiť bosý po tráve, piesku alebo betóne.
Uzemnenie môžete dosiahnuť aj pomocou originálnych, časom overených, odolných a bezpečných výrobkov značky GroundingSheets, známych aj ako "bosé náhrady". Viac informácií o týchto výrobkoch nájdete na našej stránke.
The technology behind GroundingSheets products is very simple. First, all products are made with a conductive material. The GroundingSheets sleep systems have silver threading throughout the product. These conductive materials transfer the energy of the Earth to you via a ground cord that plugs into the ground port of an electrical outlet or into the optional GroundingSheets Ground Rod. The products are durable, safe, and come in a wide range of affordable prices! is here to help you find the GroundingSheets system that best fits your lifestyle!
Domácim zvieratám, rovnako ako ľuďom, môže byť uzemnenie veľmi prospešné, najmä ak trávia väčšinu času v interiéri a na rozdiel od svojich voľne žijúcich náprotivkov nemajú možnosť spojiť sa s elektrónmi Zeme.
Uzemnenie má pre domáce zvieratá podobné výhody ako pre ľudí. Ak na posteľ položíte uzemňovaciu plachtu, domáce zvieratá sa k nej často inštinktívne priblížia.
Uzemnenie môže okrem iného prispieť k zníženiu zápalov, zlepšeniu krvného obehu a stimulácii tvorby kolagénu. Tieto pozitívne účinky sa vzťahujú aj na zdravie a pohodu zvierat v interiéri. Okrem toho môže uzemnenie pomôcť zmierniť stres a úzkosť domácich zvierat v interiéri.
Mnohí zákazníci si všimli, že ich domáci miláčikovia prirodzene priťahujú mleté prestieradlá a iné výrobky. Zdá sa, že cítia niečo prospešné a známe, aj keď to nedokážu slovne vyjadriť. Ich činy a reakcie slúžia ako dôkaz prospešnosti, ktorú pociťujú.
Hoci neexistujú žiadne štúdie o účinkoch uzemnenia na neuropatiu, je veľká pravdepodobnosť, že uzemnenie môže pomôcť tomuto stavu z nasledujúcich dôvodov:
1. Je dokázané, že stimuluje prietok krvi. Neuropatia, najmä diabetická neuropatia, je spôsobená poškodením kapilár a ciev, ktoré privádzajú krv k nervom v končatinách (rukách a nohách). Uzemnenie zlepšuje krvný obeh, čo znamená väčší prísun krvi do týchto oblastí, a tým podporuje hojenie a regeneráciu nervov v tejto oblasti.
2. Znižuje zápal. Neuropatiu spôsobujú aj poškodené nervy v dôsledku zápalu. Elektróny získané uzemnením by mohli neutralizovať kladne nabité voľné radikály v tele, ktoré prispievajú k zápalom. Znížením týchto voľných radikálov by uzemnenie mohlo potenciálne zmierniť zápalové stavy vrátane zápalu často spojeného s neuropatiou.
3. Úľava od bolesti: Niektoré štúdie naznačujú, že uzemnenie môže znížiť chronickú bolesť. Keďže neuropatia často zahŕňa nervovú bolesť, uzemnenie by mohlo priniesť úľavu zmenou elektrickej aktivity v nervovom systéme alebo znížením zápalu.
4. Zníženie stresu: Uzemnenie má údajne upokojujúci účinok, čo môže byť prospešné, pretože stres môže zhoršovať príznaky neuropatie. Znížením stresu a podporou relaxácie by uzemnenie mohlo nepriamo pomôcť zvládnuť neuropatiu.
5. Zlepšenie spánku: Ďalším možným prínosom uzemnenia je lepší spánok. Keďže kvalitný spánok je kľúčový pre hojenie a zvládanie bolesti, lepší spánok môže nepriamo podporiť zvládanie príznakov neuropatie.
Of particular interest is this article from Dr. David Richards, a GP who used grounding mats to successfully treat 21 patients with neuropathy.
To keep your Grounding-Sheet mat in top condition and guarantee optimum efficiency, it’s important to follow a few simple but essential maintenance instructions:
Avoid exposure to direct sunlight: The mat should not be exposed to direct sunlight. Prolonged exposure can damage the mat’s conductive materials and alter its grounding capabilities. It is preferable to place it in a place where it will be sheltered from direct sunlight to prolong its life.
Cleaning as required with alcohol-free wet wipes: To clean the carpet, use alcohol-free wet wipes. These wipes are gentle and effective at removing dust, dirt and other small impurities that may accumulate with regular use. It’s important to use alcohol-free wipes to avoid damaging the carpet’s conductive material. Gently clean the surface without rubbing too hard to maintain the integrity of the conductive fabric.
These simple instructions will help preserve the functionality and appearance of your grounding mat, allowing you to enjoy its benefits for many years to come.
To test if your Grounding-Sheets product is working, you need a multimeter or voltmeter which can be purchased from any hardware store.
This device will measure your body voltage. If the grounding products are working, your body voltage will decrease when you place any body part on the mat or sheet.
Here is a video tutorial on how to test your Grounding-Sheets products
Click here to watch
No, grounding products do not emit any EMF radiotion or magnetic, or electric fields. This is because they do not use live electricity, and only connects to the earth.
You can see a video test of the grounding bed sheet, that it does not emit any wifi, EMF signals, or electronmagnetic fields.
This is likely an issue with your multimeter. All our grounding cords have a built in 10,000 Ohm resistor which is a safety feature to stop any unexpected current from flowing through the cord and into the grounding product, while still allowing all your excess body voltage to discharge into the ground.
Most multimeters have a continuity test function, which is a quick way to check if a circuit is open or closed. However, this function generally uses a threshold resistance value (often around a few hundred ohms) to determine if the circuit is continuous. It may not be suitable for accurately measuring specific high resistance values, such as the 10,000 Ohm resistance value of our cord.
Yes. All our grounding products are fully functional in high-rise apartments. Regardless of your floor level, the grounding socket will remain properly grounded.
There is no evidence that grounding interferes with pacemakers or metal implants. Using our grounding products are is the same as walking barefoot or lying down outside on the ground. As of our knowledge, no one with pacemakers or implants have been advised not to walk barefoot outdoors.
Grounding has a beneficial anticoagulant (blood thinning effect) which reduces the risk of blood clots and improves circulation. This may have an added effect with anticoagulant or blood thinning medications. Thus, we recommend checking with your doctor before using grounding products while on these medications.
Here is a study that shows how grounding improves blood circulation.
You may take this to your doctor and ask if indoor grounding is appropriate for you:
We have many customers who use grounding products concurrently with pacemakers and metal implants without issue. But if you feel unsure, please check with your doctor before starting indoor grounding.
Keep it out of direct sunlight to increase the lifespan of the PU leather
To clean the mat, wipe the surface with mild soap, detergent, or cleaning wipes. Then rinse with water and dry with a cloth or paper towel.
Yes, you can still ground through cotton socks without issue.
Keep out of direct sunlight.
Clean when required with alcohol-free wet wipes.
For optimal results, Earthing works best when your bare skin directly contacts the grounded Grounding-Sheets products.
While some of the Earth’s energy can pass through thin layers if there is moisture present, skin contact remains the most effective method (even just a fingertip can work in nature).
We advise against using another sheet on top of the Earthing sheet, as it may interfere with conductivity. Rest assured, our Earthing sheets are designed to be highly comfortable for sleeping, and regular washing is recommended to ensure the best results.
Indeed, you can wear pajamas while sleeping on Grounding-Sheets. While direct skin contact optimizes the earthing benefits, it’s not necessary to sleep naked on the sheet. Comfortable pajamas or sleepwear are perfectly fine as long as there are body parts in direct contact with the sheet, such as arms, legs, or feet.
However, it’s worth noting that having uncovered areas of skin in direct contact with the grounding sheet provides more targeted earthing benefits. This can be particularly advantageous if you have specific areas of concern that could benefit from the earthing process, as it may expedite the healing process in those regions.
For enhanced conductivity and effectiveness, it is generally recommended to use the grounding sheet directly on your mattress or bedding without an additional sheet on top. This allows for better direct contact with the grounding material, maximizing the earthing experience.
In conclusion, the key is to have certain areas of your body in contact with the grounding sheet during sleep. You can choose what feels most comfortable for you while ensuring that direct skin contact is established in those specific areas to achieve the desired benefits of earthing.
To maintain the conductivity and cleanliness of your silver-threaded Grounding-Sheets, regular washing is advised. This practice helps remove body sweat and natural skin oils from the silver threads, preserving their conductivity. Follow these guidelines for proper washing and care of your sheets:
Please note that using any of the products listed above could damage the silver threads and reduce the effectiveness of the sheets or make them nonconductive. By adhering to these guidelines, you can maintain the conductive properties of your Grounding-Sheets and enjoy their health benefits for a longer period of time.
With proper care and maintenance, our sheets are designed to provide you with grounding benefits and can last as long as regular cotton bedsheets. Like any well-maintained bedding, their lifespan is comparable, allowing you to enjoy the grounding benefits for an extended period.
Following the care instructions included with the sheets is essential to ensure their longevity. Regular washing and care will help maintain their conductivity and keep them in excellent condition.
Rest assured that with proper use and care, you can expect our grounding sheets to offer the same durability and comfort as your everyday cotton bedsheets. So, you can continue to enjoy the grounding benefits while using them just like your regular bedding for years to come.
Our Grounding-Sheets are skillfully crafted using a blend of 95% high-quality cotton and 5% silver. The incorporation of silver as a conductive element enables the sheet to be effectively grounded, while innovative grid weaving techniques ensure a seamless transfer of beneficial free electrons from the Earth directly to your skin.
We deeply value both comfort and effectiveness in our products. Therefore, during the development of our Grounding-Sheets, we made a conscious decision to prioritize comfort by using a higher percentage of cotton. This ensures that our customers experience the utmost comfort (no scratchiness on bare skin) while fully enjoying the maximum benefits of Grounding. Our sheets are designed to be highly usable, making your Earthing experience truly enjoyable.
Yes, winter time is the perfect time to use indoor grounding products. Avoid the harsh weather outside and ground in the comfort of your own home!
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Telefón: +1 320-216-9520
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