Groundora™ – Grounding Fitted Bed Sheet
How does it work?
How does it work?
The Groundora Bed Sheet directly into the grounding port of a power outlet.
The ground outlet is completely safe to plug into because it has no live electricity. It just has a conductive wire behind it that runs directly into the earth, underneath the ground.
When your skin touches the Grounding Bed Sheet's conductive surface, your body is directly connected to the earth, offering a similar electrical effect to being outside on bare ground.
As soon as you make contact with the Sheet's surface, any unwanted electrical charges that have built up in your body from electronic devices (phone, computer, television, microwave, earphones, hair dryer, electric/hybrid car, etc.) can be redirected back into the earth, helping to restore a natural electrical balance.
Humans are electrical beings. Because the body is powered by electrical signals, many people find that staying grounded supports their overall wellness. Some benefits can be felt immediately, while others may develop over time.
Some users have reported experiencing relief related to anxiety, insomnia, joint and muscle stiffness, snoring, muscle soreness, fatigue, or poor circulation, among other concerns. Many even mention more vivid dreams when sleeping grounded. These reports are based on personal experiences, and individual results may vary. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
The original purpose of the grounding port is to protect your electronics from electric shocks, overheating, and in severe cases, fire hazards. It provides a safe path for excess charge to flow into the earth.
This same pathway can be beneficial for your body. Every part of you is conductive in some way, so when you stay grounded, you may experience supportive effects throughout your system—from your head to your toes. Again, results vary from person to person.
Over 20,000 satisfied Groundora customers have described their experience as “amazing,” “unbelievable,” and even “a miracle.” Their excitement also inspired us when we started Groundora. While individual experiences differ, we love hearing these success stories!
If it sounds too good to be true, we understand. That’s why we offer a 90-day money-back guarantee. If you don’t see any benefits, you can return the product for a full refund—no questions asked. However, many people do experience positive changes, which is why our Bed Sheet comes with a lifetime guarantee.
Details & Size
Details & Size
✓ Twin (W 97cm x L 2cm x D 30 cm)
✓ Full (W 137cm x L 203cm x D 30cm)
✓ Queen (W 153 x L 203cm x D 31cm)
✓ King (W 198 x L 203cm x D 33cm)
✓ Californian King (W 183 x L 213cm x D 30cm)
95% Organic Cotton
5% Conductive Silver Woven Fabric
Light Olive Green
Materials: Our Grounding bed Sheets are made with 5% silver fiber + 95% organic cotton. The silver Fiber is woven into the cotton making our half bed sheets very comfortable and also highly conductive to ensure you stay grounded. 🌿⚡
Cleaning: Wash in warm water, this helps to strip away body sweat and natural body oils. Line dry the earthing sheet or put it in the dryer on low if needed, but line drying is the preferred and safer option. DO NOT use fabric softeners or liquid detergents containing essential oils or Eucalyptus. 🧼🚫
What's in the package?
What's in the package?
- x1 Groundora Bed Sheet
- x1 Connection Cord
- x1 Grounding Converter (Adapter for your country)
- x1 Instructional Guide
Experience the Earth's Healing while sleeping

Works for all ages
Grounding is safe and works for everyone, no matter the age. It's a 100% naturally occurring phenomenon and works identically to stepping outdoors barefoot.

Recharge Overnight
Grounding is safe and works for everyone, no matter the age. It's a 100% naturally occurring phenomenon and works identically to stepping outdoors barefoot.

Premium Skin-Friendly Materials
We use the best organic cotton available that is finely threaded with pure silver. This blend has been dermatologically tested to ensure no irritation to those even with the most sensitive skin.

What is Grounding?
“Earthing” or “grounding” is like plugging into the Earth’s natural energy. It’s the practise of connecting physically with the Earth, often by walking barefoot on grass or soil.
Earthing lets us tap into the Earth’s mild negative charge to top up on energy and rebalance our body’s systems, which are by nature bioelectrical.
Our modern lifestyles insulate us from this energizing ground force. Imagine it like recharging your life’s battery. Read on for benefits of earthing…
Grounding indoors with a Grounding Sheet
The Grounding Bedsheet transfers the Earth’s electrons into your bed through the grounding cable in your wall. This allows you to receive the nurturing benefits of grounding during the comfort of your night’s sleep.
This connection instantly stops dirty electricity from flowing through your body’s cells, allowing you to enjoy a refreshing night’s sleep. During this time, your body’s healing & regenerative processes are at their natural maximum, maintaining a state of electrical neutrality.
Improved Sleep
Grounding relaxes the muscles, stimulates the production of sleep hormones, and plunges us into deep, restorative sleep with more vivid dreams.

Anxiety and Stress Relief
By lowering cortisol levels and calming the nervous system, grounding effectively promotes the reduction of stress and anxiety.

Inflammation Relief
Grounding enhances lymphatic flow, facilitating the removal of damaged proteins and cells responsible for inflammation.

Muscle Recovery
By increasing blood flow and nutrient delivery, grounding accelerates muscle recovery and reduces post-exercise soreness.

Metabolic Improvement
Grounding optimizes nutrient absorption, reduces intestinal inflammation, and balances the microbiome for optimal digestion.

Accelerated Healing
Grounding boosts blood circulation and cellular repair, promoting faster wound healing and post-exercise recovery.

Immune System Strengthening
By helping the body eliminate toxins and repair itself, grounding supports the strengthening of the immune system.

Blood Circulation
By increasing blood flow and nutrient delivery, grounding helps accelerate muscle recovery and reduce post-exercise soreness.

PMS Symptom Relief
Grounding stabilizes hormonal fluctuations, helping to reduce the physical and mental symptoms of PMS.

Glucose Regulation
Grounding stimulates collagen production and calcium absorption, which strengthens bones and joints.

Anti-Aging Effects
By promoting cellular renewal and collagen production, grounding improves skin elasticity and reduces the signs of aging.

Benefits of Grounding
- Sleep
- Anxiety and Stress
- Inflammation
- Muscle Recovery
- Metabolic Improvement
- Healing
- Immune System
- Blood Circulation
- PMS Symptoms
- Glucose
- Anti-Aging
Grounding is everywhere in our lives. Without it, the electrical devices would be susceptible to fires due to an imbalance of electrons. That’s why ground devices through electrical sockets.
As humans, we are electrical beings, just like our devices. You may have experienced a small electrical shock when touching someone? This occurs because you weren’t grounded at that moment. In the video, you can observe how body voltage decreases when in contact with the Grounding Essentials Grounding Mat.
Groundora® vs Earthing
- Improved Sleep
- Chemical Free
- Safe For All Skin Types
- Fast Acting
- Cruelty Free
- Easy To use
Grounding Inside
Grounding Outside
Use in comfort of home
Use nightly when you sleep
Not dependant on weather
Easy to stay consistent
Ako to funguje?
Grounding Indoors with a Grounding bed Sheet
Groundora channel the Earth’s electrons directly into your bed via the grounding cable in your wall, enabling you to experience the benefits of grounding while you sleep.
This connection immediately halts the flow of dirty electricity through your body’s cells, promoting a restful and refreshing sleep. During this period, your body’s healing and regenerative processes operate at their natural peak, maintaining electrical neutrality.
Žiarivé referencie pre spoločnosť Groundora

Recenzia z 07/12/2024, na základe skúseností James C.

Recenzia z 07/18/2024, na základe skúseností Dana E.

Recenzia z 07/25/2024, na základe skúseností Kevin F.

Recenzia z 07/30/2024, na základe skúseností Ela P.
I dealt with pain from inflammation and arthritis in my back and other joints for several years. I had heard about earthing years ago but thought no way it’s legit. But after years of pain, I decided it couldn’t hurt to try. I bought one of the fitted bed sheets. After the first night there was immediate relief. After a week, the pain is almost completely gone. I’m a believer now. Highly recommend the fitted bed sheet, literally takes no extra effort to be grounded for 7-8 hours per day.
Been a contractor and hard physical worker all my life. I have the type of arthritis that doctors say “there is nothing we can do, except pain medication and steroid shots.” With in just a few days I started to notice little things getting better. With in a couple weeks there was great relief in arthritis joint pain.
It does’t make the arthritis go away! It doesn’t remove all symptoms of pain (at least for me) but it does. definitely make a difference. I am ordering more sheets.
I have always been a believer in the power of mother nature. I have had some of my best nights of sleep under the stars and always wanted a way to get the same in the comfort of my own bed. These sheets have given me that. On a much more consistent basis I am hitting “excellent” on my sleep score and actually feel like I slept excellent. I’ve noted in the image my first night on the sheets.
Lots of positive changes noticed. The most appreciated is the 85% reduction in PMS symptoms after two weeks with the bed sheet. A total shocker. I even took a pregnancy test as I was so confused about the lack of symptoms. I already am fairly certain I will sleep on a grounding sheet the rest of my life.
I’ve struggled with getting a good night’s sleep for years. On my first night on the Grounding & Earthing Bed Sheet, the quality of my sleep was amazing. Then, to make it even better, I woke up rested and not tired like I have for years. Amazing. I just bought a second sheet to give to my daughter.
Často kladené otázky
Uzemnenie, známe aj ako Earthing, je jednoduché pripojenie vášho tela priamo k prirodzenému elektrickému energetickému poľu, ktoré existuje na povrchu Zeme.
Môžete to urobiť tak, že budete chodiť vonku naboso alebo budete používať "náhrady bosých nôh", ako sú tie, o ktorých vás učíme na našej stránke. Tieto originálne produkty GroundingSheets fungujú tak, že využívajú uzemňovací port domácich zásuviek alebo jednoduchú súpravu uzemňovacej tyče, ktorá vás spojí so zemskou energiou. Výrobky GroundingSheets majú vodivé materiály, ktoré im umožňujú prenášať energiu Zeme do vášho tela, keď s nimi máte kontakt na pokožke.
Uzemnenie aj uzemnenie zahŕňajú opätovné spojenie s jemnou prirodzenou energiou Zeme a tieto pojmy sa často používajú zameniteľne.
Niektorí ľudia však medzi nimi robia rozdiel. Používajú pojem "uzemnenie" na označenie priameho spojenia tela so zemským povrchom priamym kontaktom s pokožkou, ako je chôdza naboso po zemi. Na druhej strane, "uzemnenie" sa často používa v súvislosti s pripojením elektrických zariadení k Zemi, aby sa predišlo elektrickým šokom a nebezpečenstvu, čo je úplne iné použitie. Hoci toto rozlišovanie môže byť dôležité pre elektrikárov alebo inžinierov, pre väčšinu ľudí sa tieto pojmy môžu používať zameniteľne, keď sa hovorí o pripojení k zemskému povrchu s cieľom získať výhody pre zdravie a wellness.
Opätovné spojenie s energiou Zeme je také jednoduché, ako chodiť bosý po tráve, piesku alebo betóne.
Uzemnenie môžete dosiahnuť aj pomocou originálnych, časom overených, odolných a bezpečných výrobkov značky GroundingSheets, známych aj ako "bosé náhrady". Viac informácií o týchto výrobkoch nájdete na našej stránke.
Technológia produktov Groundora je veľmi jednoduchá. Po prvé, všetky výrobky sú vyrobené z vodivého materiálu. Systémy GroundingSheets na spanie majú strieborné vlákna v celom výrobku. Tieto vodivé materiály k vám prenášajú energiu Zeme prostredníctvom uzemňovacej šnúry, ktorá sa zapája do uzemňovacieho portu elektrickej zásuvky alebo do voliteľnej uzemňovacej tyče GroundingSheets. Výrobky sú odolné, bezpečné a dodávajú sa v širokej škále dostupných cien! Groundora.com je tu, aby vám pomohla nájsť systém GroundingSheets, ktorý najlepšie vyhovuje vášmu životnému štýlu!
Domácim zvieratám, rovnako ako ľuďom, môže byť uzemnenie veľmi prospešné, najmä ak trávia väčšinu času v interiéri a na rozdiel od svojich voľne žijúcich náprotivkov nemajú možnosť spojiť sa s elektrónmi Zeme.
Uzemnenie má pre domáce zvieratá podobné výhody ako pre ľudí. Ak na posteľ položíte uzemňovaciu plachtu, domáce zvieratá sa k nej často inštinktívne priblížia.
Uzemnenie môže okrem iného prispieť k zníženiu zápalov, zlepšeniu krvného obehu a stimulácii tvorby kolagénu. Tieto pozitívne účinky sa vzťahujú aj na zdravie a pohodu zvierat v interiéri. Okrem toho môže uzemnenie pomôcť zmierniť stres a úzkosť domácich zvierat v interiéri.
Mnohí zákazníci si všimli, že ich domáci miláčikovia prirodzene priťahujú mleté prestieradlá a iné výrobky. Zdá sa, že cítia niečo prospešné a známe, aj keď to nedokážu slovne vyjadriť. Ich činy a reakcie slúžia ako dôkaz prospešnosti, ktorú pociťujú.
Hoci neexistujú žiadne štúdie o účinkoch uzemnenia na neuropatiu, je veľká pravdepodobnosť, že uzemnenie môže pomôcť tomuto stavu z nasledujúcich dôvodov:
1. Je dokázané, že stimuluje prietok krvi. Neuropatia, najmä diabetická neuropatia, je spôsobená poškodením kapilár a ciev, ktoré privádzajú krv k nervom v končatinách (rukách a nohách). Uzemnenie zlepšuje krvný obeh, čo znamená väčší prísun krvi do týchto oblastí, a tým podporuje hojenie a regeneráciu nervov v tejto oblasti.
2. Znižuje zápal. Neuropatiu spôsobujú aj poškodené nervy v dôsledku zápalu. Elektróny získané uzemnením by mohli neutralizovať kladne nabité voľné radikály v tele, ktoré prispievajú k zápalom. Znížením týchto voľných radikálov by uzemnenie mohlo potenciálne zmierniť zápalové stavy vrátane zápalu často spojeného s neuropatiou.
3. Úľava od bolesti: Niektoré štúdie naznačujú, že uzemnenie môže znížiť chronickú bolesť. Keďže neuropatia často zahŕňa nervovú bolesť, uzemnenie by mohlo priniesť úľavu zmenou elektrickej aktivity v nervovom systéme alebo znížením zápalu.
4. Zníženie stresu: Uzemnenie má údajne upokojujúci účinok, čo môže byť prospešné, pretože stres môže zhoršovať príznaky neuropatie. Znížením stresu a podporou relaxácie by uzemnenie mohlo nepriamo pomôcť zvládnuť neuropatiu.
5. Zlepšenie spánku: Ďalším možným prínosom uzemnenia je lepší spánok. Keďže kvalitný spánok je kľúčový pre hojenie a zvládanie bolesti, lepší spánok môže nepriamo podporiť zvládanie príznakov neuropatie.
Mimoriadne zaujímavý je tento článok od Dr. Davida Richardsa, všeobecného lekára, ktorý použil uzemňovacie listy na úspešnú liečbu 21 pacientov s neuropatiou.
Aby ste udržali váš prístroj Groundora vo výbornom stave a zaistili optimálnu účinnosť, je dôležité dodržiavať niekoľko jednoduchých, ale zásadných pokynov na starostlivosť:
- Vyhnite sa priamemu vystaveniu slnečnému žiareniu: Podložka by nemala byť vystavená priamemu slnečnému žiareniu. Dlhodobé vystavenie môže poškodiť vodivé materiály rohože a zmeniť jej uzemňovacie schopnosti. Najlepšie je umiestniť ju na miesto, kde bude chránená pred priamym slnečným žiarením, aby sa predĺžila jej životnosť.
- Čistenie podľa potreby vlhčenými utierkami bez alkoholu: Na čistenie podložky používajte vlhčené utierky bez alkoholu. Tieto utierky sú jemné a účinné na odstránenie prachu, nečistôt alebo iných drobných nečistôt, ktoré sa môžu nahromadiť pri pravidelnom používaní. Je dôležité používať utierky bez alkoholu, aby sa nepoškodil vodivý materiál rohože. Povrch čistite jemne bez prílišného trenia, aby ste zachovali celistvosť vodivej tkaniny. Tieto jednoduché pokyny pomôžu zachovať funkčnosť a vzhľad vašich uzemňovacích podložiek a umožnia vám využívať ich výhody po mnoho rokov.
Grounding Bed sheet Product Questions
For optimal results, Earthing works best when your bare skin directly contacts the grounded Groundora products.
While some of the Earth’s energy can pass through thin layers if there is moisture present, skin contact remains the most effective method (even just a fingertip can work in nature).
We advise against using another sheet on top of the Earthing sheet, as it may interfere with conductivity. Rest assured, our Earthing sheets are designed to be highly comfortable for sleeping, and regular washing is recommended to ensure the best results.
Indeed, you can wear pajamas while sleeping on Groundora. While direct skin contact optimizes the earthing benefits, it’s not necessary to sleep naked on the sheet. Comfortable pajamas or sleepwear are perfectly fine as long as there are body parts in direct contact with the sheet, such as arms, legs, or feet.
However, it’s worth noting that having uncovered areas of skin in direct contact with the grounding sheet provides more targeted earthing benefits. This can be particularly advantageous if you have specific areas of concern that could benefit from the earthing process, as it may expedite the healing process in those regions.
For enhanced conductivity and effectiveness, it is generally recommended to use the grounding sheet directly on your mattress or bedding without an additional sheet on top. This allows for better direct contact with the grounding material, maximizing the earthing experience.
In conclusion, the key is to have certain areas of your body in contact with the grounding sheet during sleep. You can choose what feels most comfortable for you while ensuring that direct skin contact is established in those specific areas to achieve the desired benefits of earthing.
To maintain the conductivity and cleanliness of your silver-threaded Groundora, regular washing is advised. This practice helps remove body sweat and natural skin oils from the silver threads, preserving their conductivity. Follow these guidelines for proper washing and care of your sheets:
- Wash your sheets weekly or at least twice a month.
- Use a washing machine with cold water
- Line dry your sheets or use a dryer on low heat if needed.
- Iron only when necessary on low heat.
- Wait for one hour after applying lotions or body oils before touching the sheets.
- Do not wash with bleach or fabric softener.
- Avoid using whitening detergents or oxi-detergents.
- Do not use detergents containing oils such as lavender or coconut oil.
- Avoid using dryer sheets.
- Do not apply lotions or body oils on your skin right before bed.
Please note that using any of the products listed above could damage the silver threads and reduce the effectiveness of the sheets or make them nonconductive. By adhering to these guidelines, you can maintain the conductive properties of your Groundora and enjoy their health benefits for a longer period of time.
With proper care and maintenance, our sheets are designed to provide you with grounding benefits and can last as long as regular cotton bedsheets. Like any well-maintained bedding, their lifespan is comparable, allowing you to enjoy the grounding benefits for an extended period.
Following the care instructions included with the sheets is essential to ensure their longevity. Regular washing and care will help maintain their conductivity and keep them in excellent condition.
Rest assured that with proper use and care, you can expect our grounding sheets to offer the same durability and comfort as your everyday cotton bedsheets. So, you can continue to enjoy the grounding benefits while using them just like your regular bedding for years to come.
Our Groundora are skillfully crafted using a blend of 95% high-quality cotton and 5% silver. The incorporation of silver as a conductive element enables the sheet to be effectively grounded, while innovative grid weaving techniques ensure a seamless transfer of beneficial free electrons from the Earth directly to your skin.
We deeply value both comfort and effectiveness in our products. Therefore, during the development of our Groundora, we made a conscious decision to prioritize comfort by using a higher percentage of cotton. This ensures that our customers experience the utmost comfort (no scratchiness on bare skin) while fully enjoying the maximum benefits of Grounding. Our sheets are designed to be highly usable, making your Earthing experience truly enjoyable.
Yes, winter time is the perfect time to use indoor grounding products. Avoid the harsh weather outside and ground in the comfort of your own home!