Groundora™ – Grounding Mattress Cover

Original price was: 226.90 €.Current price is: 113.90 €.

How does it work?

How does it work?

The Groundora Bed Mat plugs directly into the grounding port of a power outlet.

The ground outlet is completely safe to plug into because it has no live electricity. It just has a conductive wire behind it that runs directly into the earth, underneath the ground.

When your skin touches the Groundora Bed Mat’s conductive surface, your body is directly connected to the earth, offering a similar electrical effect to being outside on bare ground.

As soon as you make contact with the Mat’s surface, any unwanted electrical charges that have built up in your body from electronic devices (phone, computer, television, microwave, earphones, hair dryer, electric/hybrid car, etc.) can be redirected back into the earth, helping to restore a natural electrical balance.

Humans are electrical beings. Because the body is powered by electrical signals, many people find that staying grounded supports their overall wellness. Some benefits can be felt immediately, while others may develop over time.

Some users have reported experiencing relief related to anxiety, insomnia, joint and muscle stiffness, snoring, muscle soreness, fatigue, or poor circulation, among other concerns. Many even mention more vivid dreams when sleeping grounded. These reports are based on personal experiences, and individual results may vary. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

The original purpose of the grounding port is to protect your electronics from electric shocks, overheating, and in severe cases, fire hazards. It provides a safe path for excess charge to flow into the earth.

This same pathway can be beneficial for your body. Every part of you is conductive in some way, so when you stay grounded, you may experience supportive effects throughout your system—from your head to your toes. Again, results vary from person to person.

Over 20,000 satisfied Groundora customers have described their experience as “amazing,” “unbelievable,” and even “a miracle.” Their excitement also inspired us when we started Groundora. While individual experiences differ, we love hearing these success stories!

If it sounds too good to be true, we understand. That’s why we offer a 90-day money-back guarantee. If you don’t see any benefits, you can return the product for a full refund—no questions asked. However, many people do experience positive changes, which is why our Mat comes with a lifetime guarantee.

Can I use this in an apartment?

Can I use this in an apartment?

Yes. All our grounding products are fully functional in high-rise apartments. Regardless of your floor level, the grounding socket will remain properly grounded.

What's in the package?

What's in the package?

  • x1 Grounding Bed Mat
  • x1 Connection Cord
  • x1 Grounding Converter (Adapter for your country)
  • x1 Instructional Guide

Care instructions

Care instructions

Keep out of direct sunlight.
Clean when required with alcohol-free wet wipes.


Support Your Well-Being With Nature’s Electrons

Reconnect With Nature

Experience the benefits of prolonged barefoot walking while you relax or sleep. The longer you spend grounded, the better.

Harmonize Your Body

Restore natural electrical balance and regulate your body’s internal systems, leading to increased overall well-being.

Deep, Grounded Sleep

Utilize the force of the Schumann resonance to realign your body’s innate circadian rhythm, ensuring a deep and restorative sleep.

Ground Yourself & Feel Refreshed Instantly

Grounding is an essential part of our everyday lives. Without it, electrical appliances can overheat or malfunction due to an electron imbalance.

Similarly, our bodies are constantly exposed to electrical influences from the devices around us. Over time, this exposure can lead to an accumulation of electrical charge.

The Groundora Mat provides a simple way to reconnect with the Earth’s natural energy. By making direct contact, it helps create a balanced connection between you and the Earth, promoting a sense of harmony and relaxation.

Grounding indoors with a Grounding Mattress Cover

The Groundora Mattress Cover transfers the Earth’s electrons into your bed through the grounding cable in your wall. This allows you to receive the nurturing benefits of grounding during the comfort of your night’s sleep.

This connection instantly stops dirty electricity from flowing through your body’s cells, allowing you to enjoy a refreshing night’s sleep. During this time, your body’s healing & regenerative processes are at their natural maximum, maintaining a state of electrical neutrality.

What the Science Says About Grounding


of participants report feeling significant more relaxed while using the Grounding Mattress cover


of participants recorded a significant reduction in inflammation documented with infrared imaging in a 2015 study by Oschman, Brown & Chevalier


of participants recorded a significant improvement in blood viscocity and reduction in blood clumping after 10 minutes of grounding, in a 2015 study by Oschman, Brown & Chevalier 

Based on Peer Reviewed Scientific Studies. Updated to 2023.
Research: Click here

The Earth is Like a Gigantic Battery..

The Earth is like a gigantic battery. It contains a natural, subtle electrical charge—a special kind of energy present in the ground due to lightning strikes and atmospheric ionization.

For safety and stability, most everything in the electrical world is connected to it, whether it is an electric power plant or your refrigerator.

That’s what the term “grounded” means.

Being grounded also applies to people. When you are electrically grounded, you feel:

Growing Awareness Around Health and Wellness

Many individuals experience daily challenges like stress, anxiety, and general fatigue, seeking balance and a sense of well-being.

While solutions vary, the importance of exploring holistic approaches to improve overall health is increasingly recognized. These methods aim to enhance life quality without the unwanted consequences sometimes associated with other approaches.

There’s a growing interest in understanding the role of lifestyle and environmental factors in overall well-being, with a focus on supportive and non-invasive methods to foster a sense of balance and vitality.

Losing Touch With The Ground Beneath Us

You are a bioelectrical being living on an electrical planet. Your body operates electrically. All of your cells transmit multiple frequencies that run, for example, your heart, immune system, muscles, and nervous system. You’re an electrical being first, chemical being second. Embrace the electrifying potential of Earthing to reconnect and thrive.

With the exception of humans living in industrialized societies, all living things on our planet are connected to the ground’s electric energy. In industrialized societies, you rarely go barefoot and walk around outside or wear natural leather shoes that allow you to absorb the ground’s energy.

For many decades, people have increasingly been wearing rubber and plastic-soled shoes that act as a barrier to the Earth’s energy, insulating them from electrical contact with the Earth. People also generally don’t sleep on the ground anymore, as many cultures have done throughout history. They live and work above the ground, even far above the ground in high-rises.

The truth is, you’re disconnected. You’re ungrounded. You are not in touch with the Earth. This disconnection is an overlooked factor in the widespread increase of many illnesses nowadays. Reconnecting could be simpler than you think; a grounding sheet might just be the key to bridging that gap.

What Are The Healing Benefits of Grounding ?

Scientific research spanning over more than a decade indicates that your body can be protected and helped—and that you feel better—when you electrically reconnect to the Earth. That is, when you are grounded.

Reconnecting with the Earth helps us create the necessary neutral electrical charge in our body so that we have the opportunity to heal, and grounding sheets can facilitate this vital link. The figure below shows the results of a study that examined the effects of being grounded while sleeping over the course of eight weeks.

Improved facial circulation (right image) after 20 minutes of grounding, as documented by a Speckle Contrast Laser Imager (dark blue=lowest circulation; dark red=highest circulation). Image Source: Scientific Research Publishing

Earthing has been studied and proven to have a remarkable effect on red blood cells. By increasing their surface charge, Earthing transforms blood viscosity and prevents the dangerous clumping of red blood cells. This heightened surface charge allows them to maintain a crucial separation, ensuring a consistently smooth, single-file flow through the intricate network of capillaries, much like a well-managed highway. This not only contributes to improved overall circulation and health but also creates what is known as a healthy Zeta potential.

Grounding appears to be one of the simplest and yet most profound interventions for helping reduce risk of cardiovascular events. The circulatory benefits of earthing increase the health and recovery of our body’s tissue by improving the delivery of oxygen and nutrients throughout the body.

Pain Reduction and Expedited Wound Healing

Earthing after injury can reduce or even prevent the hallmark signs of inflammation: redness, heat, swelling, pain, and loss of function. Researchers have confirmed expedited recovery of painful chronic inflammation using medical infrared imaging.

Pain reduction from earthing helps both newly formed wounds as well as the many types of chronic pain, such as arthritis. By producing measurable differences in the concentrations of white blood cells, cytokines, and other molecules, earthing benefits the inflammatory response.

Sync Your Internal Clock for Better Sleep

Earthing yields quantifiable changes in diurnal circadian cortisol secretion levels that improve sleep. Grounding’s regulating effect on circadian rhythm prepares your body for sleep hormonally, while its stress-reduction qualities lower anxiety and other symptoms that can make it hard to fall or stay asleep.

Earthing, facilitated with grounding sheets:

In addition, for those frequently on the move or experiencing jet-lag, Earthing with grounding sheets can be a game-changer. By realigning your body’s internal clock, it greatly eases the symptoms of jet-lag, helping travelers adjust to new time zones more swiftly and enjoy restful sleep, regardless of their location.

Cognitive Function and Neuromodulation

If your body is experiencing chronic inflammation, one of the first functions to be affected is cognition. All-too-common results of this are brain fog, fatigue, irritability, and problems with mood, memory, and mental processing.

The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory mechanisms of electrons via grounding make earthing a potent way to maintain normalized function in the brain. Clean up chronic systemic inflammation with regular earthing to experience life with minimal neurological impairment.



This documentary will embark you on an enlightening voyage to uncover the extraordinary potential of Grounding, also known as Earthing. It will introduce you to the scientific principles behind Earthing and reveal how this straightforward method can foster profound wellness and recovery in your body.

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A regular plug socket found in the U.S. has three holes; two vertical slots and a round hole which is grounded to the Earth and does not carry electricity.

The same principle is applied to EU, NZ, AU, NZ sockets. (adaptors included)

Our sheets are equipped with a specialized cord, featuring one end with a round prong designed to be inserted into the grounding hole, and the other end connects to the Earthing Sheet itself through a special snap connection.

Once connected to a socket using the provided cord, the sheet immediately establishes a grounding connection to the Earth. This allows the Earthing Sheet to function like an extension cord, channeling the Earth’s energy indoors so you can remain grounded as you sleep — akin to walking barefoot outside.

Watch the video for instructions on how to set-up and wash your Earthing Bed Sheets

Glowing Testimonials for Groundora


Customer Reviews

Based on 402 reviews
Brayden E

This product works better than the last grounding product I tried. I definitely notice a difference in my quality of sleep and the decrease in inflammation is exactly what I’ve been looking for. So far so good. I like the fact that the product is independent of your sheets sets and it doesn’t require a special fitted sheet that doesn’t match anything.

Lily D

Longer stretches of sleep, feeling better with aches and pains. Migrains are less intense. Referring this to my friends as I type my review.

Hunter M

I was skeptical about the claims the ads made, but I read the reviews and had to try. I don’t suffer from any chronic pain or other ailments, but I still wanted to see what it could do to improve my sleep. The very first night I dreamed vividly for the first time in probably over a year, and have every night since. I also went on a very difficult hike before sleeping on it for the first time, expecting to be really sore in the morning. I was totally fine, while my roommates who hiked with me woke up really sore. This thing works. I never want to sleep without one again!

Mila H

I slept soundly even on the first night… surprisingly, I wake up refreshed without muscle stiffness that I normally experience upon waking up.

Aria S

Absolutely amazing products!!
It enables the best sleep and prevents headaches!
I used to get Home from long overnight workshifts and often suffer swollen ankles and sore feet but not anymore!!!!!!
I feel better and I feel that I’m no longer suffering inflammation, one wouldn’t even know how bad that they’re feeling until they get healed by these products and then look back!!!!
I am so happy that I found this amazing brand and now I don’t even like sleeping without my Groundora products!!!!


Grounding, also known as Earthing, is simply connecting your body directly to the natural electrical energy field that exists on the earth’s surface.

You can do this by walking barefoot outside or by using “barefoot substitutes” like the ones we teach you about on our site. These original GroundingSheets products work by utilizing the ground port of home outlets or a simple ground rod kit to connect you to the Earth’s energy. GroundingSheets products have the conductive materials which enable them to transfer the Earth’s energy into your body when you have skin contact with them.

Earthing and Grounding both involve reconnecting to the Earth’s subtle, natural energy, and these terms are often used interchangeably.

However, some individuals make a distinction between the two. They use “Earthing” to describe the act of directly connecting the body to the Earth’s surface with direct skin contact, like walking barefoot on the ground. On the other hand, “Grounding” is often used in the context of connecting electrical devices to the Earth to prevent electrical shocks and hazards, which is a different application entirely. While this differentiation may be relevant to electricians or engineers, for most people, the terms can be used interchangeably when referring to connecting to the Earth’s surface for health and wellness benefits.

Reconnecting to the Earth’s energy is as simple as walking barefoot outside on grass, sand, or concrete.

Alternatively, you can achieve grounding by using the original, time-tested, durable, and safe GroundingSheets brand products, also known as “barefoot substitutes.” You can learn more about these products on our site.

The technology behind Groundora products is very simple. First, all products are made with a conductive material. The GroundingSheets sleep systems have silver threading throughout the product. These conductive materials transfer the energy of the Earth to you via a ground cord that plugs into the ground port of an electrical outlet or into the optional GroundingSheets Ground Rod. The products are durable, safe, and come in a wide range of affordable prices! is here to help you find the GroundingSheets system that best fits your lifestyle!

Pets, just like humans, can greatly benefit from grounding, especially if they spend most of their time indoors and lack opportunities to connect with the Earth’s electrons, unlike their wild counterparts.

Grounding offers similar advantages to pets as it does to humans. In fact, if you place an Earthing sheet on your bed, pets often gravitate towards it instinctively.

Grounding can contribute to reducing inflammation, enhancing circulation, and stimulating collagen production, among other benefits. These positive effects also extend to the health and well-being of indoor animals. Additionally, Grounding may help alleviate stress and anxiety in indoor pets.

Many customers have observed that their pets are naturally drawn to grounded bedsheets and other products.. They seem to sense something beneficial and familiar, even though they cannot verbally express it. Their actions and responses serve as a testament to the benefits they experience.

Although there are no studies on the effects of grounding on neuropathy, there is a good chance grounding can help this condition for the following reasons:

1. It is proven to stimulate blood flow. Neuropathy, especially diabetic neuropathy, is caused by damage to the capillaries and blood vessels that bring blood to the nerves in your extremeties (hands and feet). Grounding improves circulation, which means more blood supply to these regions, and therefore, promotes the healing and regeneration of the nerves in this area.

2. It reduces inflammation. Neuropathy is also caused by damaged nerves due to inflammation. The electrons gained through grounding are could neutralize positively charged free radicals in the body, which are known to contribute to inflammation. By reducing these free radicals, grounding could potentially alleviate inflammatory conditions, including the inflammation often associated with neuropathy.

3. Pain Relief: Some studies suggest that grounding can reduce chronic pain. Since neuropathy often involves nerve pain, grounding might provide relief by altering the electrical activity in the nervous system or through the reduction of inflammation.

4. Stress Reduction: Grounding has been reported to induce a calming effect, which might be beneficial since stress can exacerbate neuropathy symptoms. By reducing stress and promoting relaxation, grounding might indirectly help manage neuropathy.

5. Sleep Improvement: Improved sleep is another potential benefit of grounding. Since quality sleep is crucial for healing and pain management, better sleep can indirectly support the management of neuropathy symptoms.

Of particular interest is this article from Dr. David Richards, a GP who used grounding sheets to successfully treat 21 patients with neuropathy.

To keep your Groundora in excellent condition and ensure optimal effectiveness, it is important to follow a few simple but essential care instructions:

  • Avoid direct exposure to sunlight: The mat should not be exposed directly to sunlight. Prolonged exposure can damage the conductive materials of the mat and alter its grounding capabilities. It is best to place it in a location where it will be protected from direct sunlight to prolong its lifespan.
  • Cleaning as needed with alcohol-free damp wipes: To clean the mat, use alcohol-free damp wipes. These wipes are gentle and effective for removing dust, dirt, or other small impurities that can accumulate with regular use. It is important to use alcohol-free wipes to avoid damaging the conductive material of the mat. Clean the surface gently without rubbing too hard to maintain the integrity of the conductive fabric. These simple instructions will help preserve the functionality and appearance of your grounding sheets, allowing you to enjoy its benefits for many years.

Grounding Bed Pads Product Questions

For optimal results, Earthing works best when your bare skin directly contacts the grounded Groundora products.

While some of the Earth’s energy can pass through thin layers if there is moisture present, skin contact remains the most effective method (even just a fingertip can work in nature).

We advise against using another sheet on top of the Earthing sheet, as it may interfere with conductivity. Rest assured, our Earthing sheets are designed to be highly comfortable for sleeping, and regular washing is recommended to ensure the best results.

Indeed, you can wear pajamas while sleeping on Groundora. While direct skin contact optimizes the earthing benefits, it’s not necessary to sleep naked on the sheet. Comfortable pajamas or sleepwear are perfectly fine as long as there are body parts in direct contact with the sheet, such as arms, legs, or feet.

However, it’s worth noting that having uncovered areas of skin in direct contact with the grounding sheet provides more targeted earthing benefits. This can be particularly advantageous if you have specific areas of concern that could benefit from the earthing process, as it may expedite the healing process in those regions.

For enhanced conductivity and effectiveness, it is generally recommended to use the grounding sheet directly on your mattress or bedding without an additional sheet on top. This allows for better direct contact with the grounding material, maximizing the earthing experience.

In conclusion, the key is to have certain areas of your body in contact with the grounding sheet during sleep. You can choose what feels most comfortable for you while ensuring that direct skin contact is established in those specific areas to achieve the desired benefits of earthing.

To maintain the conductivity and cleanliness of your silver-threaded Groundora, regular washing is advised. This practice helps remove body sweat and natural skin oils from the silver threads, preserving their conductivity. Follow these guidelines for proper washing and care of your sheets:


  • Wash your sheets weekly or at least twice a month.
  • Use a washing machine with cold water
  • Line dry your sheets or use a dryer on low heat if needed.
  • Iron only when necessary on low heat.
  • Wait for one hour after applying lotions or body oils before touching the sheets.


  • Do not wash with bleach or fabric softener.
  • Avoid using whitening detergents or oxi-detergents.
  • Do not use detergents containing oils such as lavender or coconut oil.
  • Avoid using dryer sheets.
  • Do not apply lotions or body oils on your skin right before bed.

Please note that using any of the products listed above could damage the silver threads and reduce the effectiveness of the sheets or make them nonconductive. By adhering to these guidelines, you can maintain the conductive properties of your Groundora and enjoy their health benefits for a longer period of time.

With proper care and maintenance, our sheets are designed to provide you with grounding benefits and can last as long as regular cotton bedsheets. Like any well-maintained bedding, their lifespan is comparable, allowing you to enjoy the grounding benefits for an extended period.

Following the care instructions included with the sheets is essential to ensure their longevity. Regular washing and care will help maintain their conductivity and keep them in excellent condition.

Rest assured that with proper use and care, you can expect our grounding sheets to offer the same durability and comfort as your everyday cotton bedsheets. So, you can continue to enjoy the grounding benefits while using them just like your regular bedding for years to come.

Our Groundora are skillfully crafted using a blend of 95% high-quality cotton and 5% silver. The incorporation of silver as a conductive element enables the sheet to be effectively grounded, while innovative grid weaving techniques ensure a seamless transfer of beneficial free electrons from the Earth directly to your skin.

We deeply value both comfort and effectiveness in our products. Therefore, during the development of our Groundora, we made a conscious decision to prioritize comfort by using a higher percentage of cotton. This ensures that our customers experience the utmost comfort (no scratchiness on bare skin) while fully enjoying the maximum benefits of Grounding. Our sheets are designed to be highly usable, making your Earthing experience truly enjoyable.

Yes, winter time is the perfect time to use indoor grounding products. Avoid the harsh weather outside and ground in the comfort of your own home!
